Tuesday, March 27, 2012


In my quest for making my own t-shirts I happened upon printable transfers at Wal-mart! I was so excited! I'm used to the good old iron-ons from when I was a kid. I didn't realize you could create your own designs, print them off at home and then apply them to your t-shirt or anything else you have in mind. Awesome!! I bought the transfer for the light fabric to begin with. There are transfers for light fabric, dark fabric and I discovered through my internet searching there are transfers specifically for stretchy fabric. Wal-mart carries the transfers for the light and dark fabric. Wal-mart is also the cheapest place I've found them. 

Despite buying the transfer, and it having easy directions on the back, I decided to do some internet prowling to  get more tips. 

To begin with I found a lot of great tips on About.com. This:  http://desktoppub.about.com/od/transfers/a/IronOnTransfers.htm
article gave really good advice that will make sure your project turns out well. It suggests trial print outs to make sure the design is the way you want it and having your iron on the highest setting. Good to know! I also liked that it had quite a few link that would guide you to specific categories for designs. A quick but very informative read!

Next I found the cutest blog http://likethecar.blogspot.com/2012/02/tutotrial-diy-iron-on-transfer-t-shirt.html! It has a great tutorial on transferring pictures, with your own designs added, to t-shirts. It's a great step by step for taking any kind of photo and putting it on a shirt or anything else for that matter! How cute are those two little girls! Using pictures would be a great way to make unique and personalized gifts also.

The last tutorial the really caught my eyes was from: http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/tutorials/index.php/2012/02/hybrid-iron-on-transfer/ 
 I really liked this one because it walks you through designing your own graphic for a transfer. This post had great details, pictures and was just an all around cute site!

I think the pluses for these iron-on transfers are (among many) it's cheaper and you can put just about anything on your t-shirt. In fact you could put numerous designs or pictures on your t-shirt. It's also less time consuming I think than the other ways of diy t-shirt designing I've found. I am very excited to try it!!

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